With continuing our previous discussion, say if you have pocket pair 77(no diamond), the other player X has TJ (suited-diamond). Let's check the probability of player X getting a diamond flush.
The remaining 5 cards has:
1. 3 diamond cards: C(11,3)*C(37,2)=109,890
straight-flush: 4*C(37,2)=2,664
a) 789TJ to TJQKA: 4
2. 4 diamond cards: C(11,4)*C(37,1)=12,210
straight-flush: (7+7+7+8)*C(37,1)=1,073
a) 789TJy, y is not Q: C(7,1)= 7
b) 89TJQy, y is not K: C(7,1)= 7
c) 9TJQKy, y is not A: C(7,1)= 7
d) TJQKAy: C(8,1)= 8
3. 5 diamond cards: C(11,5)=462
straight-flush: 4+21+21+21+28=95
a) A2345TJ to 45678TJ: 4
b) 789TJyz, yz is not Q: C(7,2)= 21
c) 89TJQyz, yz is not K: C(7,2)= 21
d) 9TJQKyz, yz is not A: C(7,2)= 21
e) TJQKAyz: C(8,2)= 28
The probability of flush is about 7.16%, without straight-flush is 6.93%
If we roughly discount the previous winning rate against TJ(unsuited) by 7%, the probability of winning is about 48%.
Another approach...
The remaining 5 cards has:
1. 3 diamond cards:
a. no 7,T,J: C(10,3)*C(30,2)=52,200
b. with a 7 but no TJ:
7 is diamond: C(10,2)*C(30,2)=19,575
7 is not diamond: C(10,3)*C(30,1)=3,600
c. with a 7 only one T/J:
7 is diamond: C(10,2)*6*C(30,1)=8,100
7 is not diamond: C(10,3)*6=720
straight-flush: 1305+435+90+180+18=2028
a. no 7,T,J: 89Q,9QK,QKA: 3*C(30,2)=1,305
b. with a 7 but no TJ:
7 is diamond: 789: 1*C(30,2)=435
7 is not diamond: 89Q,9QK,QKA: 3*C(30,1)=90
c. with a 7 only one T/J:
7 is diamond: 789: 1*6*C(30,1)=180
7 is not diamond: 89Q,9QK,QKA: 3*6=18
2. 4 diamond cards:
a. no 7,T,J: C(10,4)*C(30,1)=6,300
b. with a 7 but no TJ:
7 is diamond: C(10,3)*C(30,1)=3,600
7 is not diamond: C(10,4)=210
c. with a 7 only one T/J:
7 is diamond: C(10,3)*6=720
a. no 7,T,J: (6+6+7)*C(30,1)= 570
i) 89TJQy, y is not 7,K: C(6,1)= 6
ii) 9TJQKy, y is not 7,A: C(6,1)= 6
iii) TJQKAy, y is not 7: C(7,1)= 7
b. with a 7 but no TJ:
7 is diamond: (7+1+1+1)*30=300
i) 789TJy, y is not Q: C(7,1)= 7
ii) 89TJQy, y is not K, y is 7: 1
iii) 9TJQKy, y is not A, y is 7: 1
iv) TJQKAy, y is 7: 1
7 is not diamond: (6+6+7)*30=570
i) 89TJQy, y is not 7,K: C(6,1)= 6
ii) 9TJQKy, y is not 7,A: C(6,1)= 6
iii) TJQKAy, y is not 7: C(7,1)= 7
c. with a 7 only one T/J:
7 is diamond: (7+1+1+1)*6=60
i) 789TJy, y is not Q: C(7,1)= 7
ii) 89TJQy, y is not K, y is 7: 1
iii) 9TJQKy, y is not A, y is 7: 1
iv) TJQKAy, y is 7: 1
3. 5 diamond cards:
a. no 7,T,J: C(10,5)=252
b. with a 7 but no TJ:
7 is diamond: C(10,4)=210
straight-flush: 95
The total is 95,487(flush) less 3623(straight flush), the probability is 5.36%. The winning rate is 51.73%-5.36%+q=46.37%+q.
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