
ABS.HomeEquity Index - ABX.HE

Check ABX.HE. Once the falling trend is stablized, the subprime turmoil will be calmed down.


China Relax the Restrictions on Offshore Investment

According to China Banking Regulatory Commission, the clients of commercial banks now can make offshore investment in equities and the related structured products, but not "commodities-based derivative products, hedge funds and debt securities with credit ratings below BBB as assigned by an international credit rating agency."

There are still some minor restrictions... such as "The total value of the investment in listed equities shall not exceed 50% of the total net asset value of each overseas wealth management product; the value of investment in an individual equity shall not exceed 5% of the total net asset value of each overseas wealth management product. The commercial banks shall regularly adjust the portfolio to ensure that the aforesaid limits are complied on an on-going basis."